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tv   CNN Newsroom With Brooke Baldwin  CNN  July 18, 2017 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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-- captions by vitac -- just hours of their health care bill collapsed, the new idea by republicans is also effectively d.o.a., dead on arrival, already, and now a pretty stunning statement by the president of the united states encouraging republicans to let obamacare completely fail. as you know, the bill to repeal and replace obamacare did not receive enough votes, and now you have these three republican senators who say they will vote against a repeal only bill
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effectively killing the whole thing. here first was the president just moments ago. >> we've had a lot of victories but we haven't had a victory on health care. we're disappointed. i am very disappointed because, again, even as a civilian, for seven years, i've been hearing about health care. and i've been hearing about repeal and replace, and obamacare is a total disaster. some states had over 200% increase, a 200% increase in their premiums and their deductibles are through the roof. it's an absolute disaster. and i think you'll also agree that i've been saying for a long time, let obamacare fail and then everybody's going to have to come together and fix it. and come up with a new plan and a plan that's really good for the people with much lower premiums, much lower costs, and much better protection. i've been saying that, mike, i think you'll agree, for a long time. let obamacare fail. it will be a lot easier. and i think we're probably in
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that position where we'll just let obamacare fail. we're not going to own it. i'm not going to own it. i can tell you the republicans are not going to own it. we'll let obamacare fail and then the democrats are going to come to us and say, how do we fix it, how do we fix it, or how do we come up with a new plan. so, we'll see what happens. there's some other things going on right now as we speak. but i am disappointed because for so many years, i've been hearing repeal and replace, i'm sitting in the oval office right next door, pen in hand, waiting to sign something, and i'll be waiting, and eventually we're going get something done, and it's going to be very good. >> obviously, really significant what he just said. ryan nobles, we're not going to own it, republicans are not going to own it. democrats are eventually going come to us. we're going to come back to that in just a moment but first just on the, you know, the micro-developments here, the whole repeal it now, replace it later, if that's doa, who are
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these three senators? >> reporter: you've got three moderate senators here, they essentially came out right away and said if this bill was going to be a repeal-only situation, that they were not going to be a part of it and they are telling reporters that they're not even going to vote for the measure that would put the bill on the floor, the motion to proceed so that they could start the debate. and once you had three senators, that was enough to, as you said before, make this bill dead on arrival because the margins are so tight in the senate with only 52 republican senators. they had to have at least 50 to push this bill forward and right now that's just not happening. >> all right, ryan, thank you. we begin there. placing politics in the ramifications of all this aside for just a hot minute, what happens if obamacare really is allowed to fail? let's bring in cnn money senior writer tammy luby, who covers all things health care and the economy here for us, so that's the question. if it were to fail, what would that look like? who's affected? >> sure. well, first of all, it's not
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going to be, it's going to fail or not fail. it's going to fail in certain places. we already have 38 counties around this country that, for 2018, the people there have no insurance options on the exchanges. it's about 25,000 people. you know, it's possible that an insurer will come in and cover them. that's what's been happening so far, but right now, we have 38 places where it's failed, but in many places it's doing well and will continue to do well and a lot of insurers have said it's stabilizing so we don't know that it's going to blow up and fail. lu bu there are people who are going to be in trouble with this in it doesn't fail. >> who, specifically in. >> for those people in 38 counties, they don't have any choices of subsidized insurance so they don't have a choice of insurance, and if it does, as the president says, there are things that republicans, and particularly trump, can do to hasten the failure in more places and for congress and trump, this is about politics. for those people in those 38 counties and other people around the world, it's their health
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insurance. for some of them, it's a matter of life and death, so congress is playing politics, but for people, this is really important, and the question is, are they just going to allow this, as he says, to just fail and not have any kind of replacement option in place for them right away? and then what happens to those people? the republicans are in charge of congress and the administration. >> because you can't imagine or one couldn't imagine left, right, or center, the notion of the government hastening, to use your word, a failure so that people would become more ill, more sick, because they wouldn't have this coverage because, essentially, republicans, the president himself, saying republicans aren't going to own it, we'll let it fail and therefore that's when the democrats come calling. >> yeah. i mean, we don't know whether the democrats are going to come. we don't know whether the republicans are going to have a fix on their own. i mean, mcconnell has spoken about having a market stabilization plan. he realizes that if they can't get it through, and it looks like they're not going to get it there, that something still has to be done in order to keep people who have health insurance now to keep them insured.
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>> thank you so much. so, on the political fallout, let's go there. i have david chalian, our cnn political director joining me and cnn national political reporter maeve reston. david, just to you, going back to the president's words there, saying let obamacare fail, republicans won't be owning it, he's not going to own it, you know, let the democrats come to us, how significant was that sound byte, do you think? >> i have been racking my brain to think of a statement i have ever heard from the president of the united states of either party as cynical as that statement. this is not the first time president trump has said this but it's in a new context. people would see it as a threat or an incentive kind of thing to make sure that republicans stay on and get this through. well, in this context of the bill falling apart, it is hard to imagine how these words are not going to hang around him and
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the republican party throughout this next election cycle, because he could say, until he's blue in the face, that he is not going to own this. but he's the president of the united states of america. he is going to own it. i mean, they may be successful politically in convincing americans around election time to muddy the waters and make everybody responsible and clearly there's enough blame to go around in washington, no doubt, the voters will buy that, if you think that as president of the united states that he's not going to have ownership over people not receiving health care, not knowing what's coming next, losing health care, that just defies logic. he is going to own this. >> yeah. and you take that -- i'm already thinking ahead to, you know, the next rounds of elections, you take that sound byte and juxtapose it with his vow and really the republicans' vow, you know where i'm going. >> you're writing the ad, brooke. >> i am. but we know politics so we know how this works.
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for seven years it's been, we're going to repeal and replace obamacare and president trump promised to do it at the same time. let's remember. >> we're going to do it simultaneously. it will be just fine. we're not going to have like a two-day period and we're not going to have a qtwo-year perio where there's nothing. it will be repealed and replaced. because obamacare has to be replaced and we will do it and we will do it very, very quickly. my first day in office, i'm going to ask congress to put a bill on my desk getting rid of this disastrous law and replacing it with reforms that expand choice, freedom, affordability. >> then we add to this our dear colleague, dana bash, who's also reporting that the white house is taking part, you know, some of the blame for not selling the bill but now republican sources are slamming the president's lack of engagement in the whole process. what do you make of that? >> there certainly was a lack of engagement in this process, certainly in the policy details,
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and to your point, i mean, i've been out there talking to voters in these competitive districts, and all of them, even the people who supported trump, said they were uncomfortable with the bill as it was before it collapsed. you know, the idea that people would lose their medicaid coverage. they saw that as unkind. there were people, independent voters, talking about how this wasn't what trump said on the campaign trail last year as you just demonstrated. to, i think the politics of this are so dangerous for republicans going into 2018, because what are you promising people, then? you know, i mean, you're just going to do the repeal, which satisfies the base. >> if you don't follow through. >> but if you don't have a plan in mind, what are people going to go to the plans and vote for you for. >> i mean, on the politics and the promises, david chalian, i mean, it's notable that there are now several of his biggest campaign promises, in fact, when you think of what's happening, the iran deal and this collapsing on the same day. >> yeah. i mean, the idea of keeping the
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iran deal in place, when he promised to get rid of it, and obviously, this big promise of obamacare, no doubt the convergence of those as you're approaching the six-month mark at the lowest approval ratings of the modern era, it's not a gre great week for the trump administration. clearly the president is going to have to retool in some way if he wants to change the outcome here. but that's not to say he hasn't accomplished anything in these first six months. obviously you got neil gorsuch on the supreme court, he delivered pulling out of tpp, pulling out of the paris climate agreement, but these are two big promises coming at this marking point of six months and you begin to see, as you look at the poll results, there are real-world consequences of being a president who's only at 36% to 40%. by choosing in the last six months not to make a broad appeal and try to expand beyond
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his most core base of supporters, he now faces senators in his own party who do not fear him in any way and feel that they can buck him, even if it is on a core promise. >> what about, you know, just trying to think of solutions in terms of health care. am i crazy to think that there could be some sort of bipartisan approach to this? we think back to covering the campaign and even hillary clinton herself said there were parts of obamacare that she would want to jigger with. so maeve, are there options here? >> certainly. and certainly the democrats would like to fix certain things about obamacare. you heard chuck schumer talking about that this morning. but what is the incentive for them to work with president trump at this point? i mean, what they would like to do is regain control of the house in 2018. i just -- it's very hard to see a scenario where the democrats would come in and come to trump's rescue on the health care bill. at the same time, david is right. you know, there's a lot of time. they could come up with a really
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thoughtful policy solution, but this puts so much pressure on them to do that, and also, to come through on tax reform and tax cuts, because that's going to be incredibly important to voters next year. >> that's a whole other -- that's a whole other conversation that we're going to be having in some time. thank you both so much. thank you. we do have more been because we're now hearing that the special counsel, robert mueller, is giving the okay for donald trump jr. and paul manafort to testify publicly about the campaign and the whole infamous meeting over at trump tower. this is happening as cnn is learning the identity of the mysterious eighth person who was inside that room for that meeting. we have those details next. and the family of that bride-to-be who was shot and killed by police is now demanding answers as we are learning more and more about her tragic moments. >> the death of justine is a
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there's an indication that that's the way we're leaning. there was some spirited discussion over whether we should move forward or not on the vote. >> what is your message to those who have skepticism? we've talked to senator portman and murkowski and they may have voted last time but now you're firing with live ammo and that does change the contents. >> well, the message to the american public is obamacare has failed. if you look at the individual market, if you're a plumber and your wife trying to buy insurance, obamacare has failed you. the prices are rising, double digits, in fact, 100% is the average that prices have risen for those in the individual market. so, obamacare has failed. the death spiral of obamacare continues. even with partial repeal, obamacare will still be in place and obamacare will still be a drag on the insurance markets and making it difficult for people to buy insurance. >> but isn't that why they're a little bit reluctant because there is no firm commitment that they get something else. we saw what happened around here
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six years ago. >> there have been many ideas about how we get more people in our country insurance. for example, 27 million people don't have insurance rights now under obamacare. the estimates are that 57% of those 27 million don't get it because it's too expensive. it's too expensive because of the obamacare regulations. the death spiral of obamacare is regulations make insurance expensive, and then you say, oh, but you can get it after you're sick. that is the real problem. that's the whole problem we have. it's the adverse selection and the death spiral. that's what we need to fix. we don't have enough votes to repeal all of that, so we're going to have to move forward and i'm in favor of moving forward with partial repeal and continuing to work on trying to get rid of the rest of the bad elements of obamacare that have driven prices up. >> thanks, guys. >> do you think there will be a vote. >> i'm for a vote that succeeds, and i think those republicans who promised to repeal obamacare ought to vote the same way they voted voted in 2015. if you're not willing to vote the same way you voted in 2015,
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then you need to go back home and explain to republicans why you're no longer for repealing obamacare. >> that's interesting wechlt . d we had this whole conversation at the top of the show over health care and obviously since we know repeal and replace isn't happening thanks to those two republican senators last night and now there are three republican senators saying thanks but no thanks to this whole notion of repeal now, replace later, that was senator rand paul saying hang on a second, let's wait, i would like to do a vote where we do a partial repeal and replace later and he's hoping those republicans jump on board. the notion of maybe still holding a vote even though at the moment it seems doa. we're waiting to hear from the senate majority leader, mitch mcconnell. that's significant because he, too, is obviously coming out of this republican luncheon there on the hill and when we see him, we'll take it live. let's move on and talk about more breaking news, this on the fire storm hovering over the white house. the cnn is now learning that the special counsel in this investigation has given the
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senate judiciary committee the okay to question donald trump jr. and former campaign manager paul manafort in a public hearing. the top democrat on that committee, dianne feinstein tells us that bob mueller, quote, doesn't have a problem with them testifying. this comes on the heels of a secret meeting that trump junior had last june during the campaign with all those russian associates where he did or at least he was promised dirt on hillary clinton. trump junior, least damning e-mails, confirming the meeting at trump tower and revealed the fact that manafort and president trump's son-in-law turned top aide, jared kushner, were also in the room. and now ceo has learned the identity of the eighth person in that meeting. pamela brown was the first to report his identity. she joins me now. who is person number eight, pamela? >> reporter: so much mystery. we have learned the eighth
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american who attended this meeting is ike kavalodze. he is a senior vice president at crocus group, which is the real estate development company run by russian oligarch agalarov. as you'll recall, brooke, the agalarov family were mentioned in that e-mail exchange that don junior released as being sort of orchestrating this meeting. his personal website says that he holds responsibility for multiple elements of the company's russian development projects so several projects in russia. he studied at the moscow academy of finance and kaveladze is an attorney and has worked for the agalarov's business since 2004 when means he was with the company when it partnered with the trump organization to pull off the 2013 miss universe pageant in moscow. in fact, it appears he's seen this video from 2013 that cnn
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exclusively obtained and you'll see him in the video. he is with the agalarov family and he is with donald trump there. and so he's clearly, he goes way back with the agalarov family and he is seen there in the same room with donald trump in las vegas in this video. the special counsel's investigators are seeking information from kavalodze as part of the russia probe and his attorney says that he is fully cooperating. >> let's broaden out the conversation. asha is with me. cnn legal and national security analyst. asha, you know, she just laid out exactly who this eighth person, you know, was, but you tell me, what's the significant of robert mueller saying, okay, to trump junior and paul manafort to testify in public. >> so, there's an upside to mueller here and there's a potential downside. so, the upside for mueller for these people to testify under oath is he gets to lock down
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their story. and as you know, if don junior gets caught in one more lie, his pants are going to catch on fire, and from mueller's point of view, he can then charge him with perjury. so, don junior's going to have to think very carefully about the story that he wants to tell. but mueller will then have something on the record. the downside, brooke, is that don junior could potentially take the fifth for a number of questions. he has that right. and that could be frustrating for congress, and they have the power to grant him immunity, and this could actually impede mueller's information. so this happened in iran contra. congress offered oliver north immunity to testify so he couldn't invoke the fifth and then later, his criminal conviction was thrown out of court because the court held that his congressional immunity precluded him from being convicted in criminal court. so, you know, mueller has to be careful about that, but i think that if he has given the green
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light, my sense is that he probably would have worked that out with congress and i would think that congress in this case would not want to interfere with this investigation. >> what do you think, shy of a pants on fire moment, what do you think the chances are that they actually take him up on this and do testify publicly? >> that congress will? >> that these two men -- that these two men will say yes to testifying publicly. >> that's a great question. you know, if i were their defense attorneys, i would not want them to do that, precisely because of what i just explained, and the trouble it could get them in. from a pr perspective, it makes them look very forthcoming, but it can have a lot of legal implications. congress could subpoena them, though, and they would be forced to testify and they could take the fifth and we could go down to that road. let me move on. an administration official tells cnn the white house is worried that jared kushner's security clearance is actually in jeopardy because he was in the room in this meeting at trump tower. on kushner's clearance, you
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know, ultimately it's the president to say whether or not he gets to keep clearance, though, correct? even though he could face blowback because of all of what's swirling, it's up to the president. >> yes, as a purely legal matter, the president can give kushner his clearance. i mean, also, brooke, as a purely legal matter, the president can give president putin security clearance. that doesn't mean that it's a good idea. and it's had -- >> hasn't he already received sensitive information, jared kushner? >> i think he has a temporary clearance of some kind, which would allow him to view it, but a full clearance would really give him full access to the highest levels of classified information, including the presidential daily brief, and that includes intelligence collected from all across our intelligence community and intelligence that's shared from our allies, and you have to wonder, you know, our allies are watching this unfold, and if they believe that the information they give may end up
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in potentially being compromised, you know, we as a nation, i think, could end up not getting things that we need to protect ourselves from the people who can help us. >> which is significant. asha rangappa, thank you very much. the conversation continues. here we are, just about two days shy of six months into his presidency, president trump dealing with obstacle after obstacle, many of which have been self-inflicted. so, we're asking three journalists which moments have really surprised them the most during the first six months here in the oval office. we'll talk about that. also ahead, an emotional outpouring from a grieving fiance, his bride-to-be shot and killed by police after she called 911 to report a possible assault. what happened and why are police being so quiet? we'll be right back.
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xfinity gives you more to stream to more screens. all right, back to the breaking story. we've got our eye on the opposition on capitol hill. this whole luncheon has just wrapped with members of the rememb republican party. essentially we're hearing repeal and replace later is doa because of these three republican senators who are saying no. we heard from senator paul saying he'd still like to hold a vote. here he is, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell. let's listen in. >> well, as i indicated last night, it's pretty clear that there are not 50 republicans at the moment to vote for a replacement for obamacare. consequently, sometime in the
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near future, we'll have a vote on repealing obamacare, essentially the same vote that we had in 2015. i would remind everyone that in that proposal, there's a two-year delay, a two-year delay, which would give us the opportunity to work out a complete replacement on a bipartisan basis with our democratic friends. so, that's a vote i think we're very likely to have in the very near future. >> we got a sense of what the future might look like if we are unsuccessful in repealing and replacing obamacare. we saw for the second time in a few days, democratic senators coming to the floor asking for tens of billions of dollars in tax dollars for insurance company bailouts. no reform, no change in the status quo, and after seven years, i think we can safely conclude that the structure of
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obamacare is a failed experiment. that's why we want to change the structure of the health care delivery system as we stabilize markets, protect people from premium increases, and preexisting conditions exclus exclusions. we're going to continue down that road because the alternative, i fear, is going to be a democratic effort, strictly to bail out insurance companies with no reform whatsoever. >> after seven years of obamacare, the american public knows what they have. they have fewer choices. they have higher premiums and less control over their own health care. number of years ago, i voted to do a repeal of the obama health care law. i am ready to make that complete repeal vote again. but of course that's not enough. the people of wyoming want more than that. they want to be able to buy the insurance that they want, that works right for them, not what the federal government in washington, d.c., says they have to buy. so, i'm ready to vote to repeal,
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but we need a medical system not just as good as it was before obamacare was passed, but we need a medical system and a health care system in this country even better than that. >> i think the only thing i could add to this discussion is at some point, we need to find out where the votes are. this is important work to be done. it affects families. it affects health care. we need to find out where the votes are, but there's other -- there are other things we need to do too. president this week is talking about manufacturing made in america. if you could pay the utility bill, if the transportation system works, those are the two boxes you check when you're talking about jobs. we all know the best place to get insurance is still at work where somebody approximaelse do negotiation, somebody else reads the policy, ways that more people can get insurance at work is important. tax structure is important. this has had a considerable amount of time spent on it. and sooner rather than later, we
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need to find out where the senate is and move forward. >> there are a lot of people out there today who seem to be spiking the football, trying to celebrate a moment that, for now, seems to leave the affordable care act in place for today. but let me tell you what happens if you continue to spike the football. in the state of colorado last week, it was announced that the average premium rate increase for the next year will be 27%. but that's if you're lucky enough to live in the front range of colorado. if you live in the eastern plains or the western slope, you're going to pay 30% more or 40% more. that's spiking the football. on the american people who will continue to pay more under the affordable care act that is collapsing. we will continue our work to get our job done to make sure that the status quo no longer stands and instead we provide relief to the american people. >> we heard from some of your
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members, they were very critical of the process, some were critical of you, senator johnson was specifically critical, said there was a breach of trust. do you feel that you and your leadership have been damaged in this process and that now you can actually usher this across considering those criticisms that you have heard. >> this has been a very, very challenging experience for all of us. it's pretty obvious that we don't have 50 members who can agree on a replacement. a lot of people have been involved in the discussion and very passionate discussions. but everybody's given it their best shot. and as of today, we just simply do not have 50 senators who can agree on what ought to replace the existing law. what we do have is a vote that many of us made two years ago at a time when the president of the united states would not sign the legislation that would repeal obamacare and with a two-year
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delay give us an opportunity to build something better on a bipartisan basis. that's what i sense most of our members would like to vote on now, and we'll be doing that in the near future. >> nancy. >> you don't appear currently to have votes for that repeal plan. so if that vote fails, will you then begin working with democrats? >> well, i think we'll have to see what happens. we will have demonstrated that republicans, by themselves, are not prepared at this particular point to do a replacement. and that doesn't mean that problems all go away, and you'll have to look at our committee chairman and their ranking members. my suspicion is there will be hearings about the crisis that we have, and we'll have to see what the way forward is.
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>> past seven years, this year, seven months, no accomplishment. how are you going to explain this to the voters next year if you don't do what you campaigned on. >> well, we have a new supreme court justice. we have 14 repeals of regulations. and we're only six months into it. last time i looked, congress goes on for two years. we'll be moving on to comprehensive tax reform and to infrastructure. there's much work left to be done for the american people and we're ready to tackle it. >> that was not the look of a senate majority leader who was pleased at how this whole process has gone, certainly not how senator mitch mcconnell had anticipated. the story is with senators lee and moran as of last night, they were the final no's so there are repeal and replace, and this, you know, seven-year promise
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from republicans is a no-go so far and then the next notion would be repeal now, replace later. sounds like they may still try to hold a vote, not entirely sure, even though there are three senators saying on that, no. let's broaden this out. matt lewis is here, cnn political commentator and senior columnist for the daily beast. shelley holiday is back with us, the "wall street journal" politics and business reporter and jonathan la mere, great to see all of you. let's go with what we just heard. we heard from senator paul a moment before saying he still is hopeful for a vote but if they thus far have three republicans saying no, it's doa, why hold the vote? >> the math doesn't seem to add up. one possibility would be this is senator mcconnell, who just might be frustrated by the process, who doesn't see a win here, doesn't see an end game, might be tempted just to try the vote, if it goes down, then you move on.
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health care, as stunning that this is, this is something they've tried to do for seven years, if they can't get the ball over the goal line now, maybe they punt and say, let's move on to something else, let's move on to tax reform. >> why keep losing? the optics of the whole thing would be like egg. >> yeah. it's unbelievable that we're in this position. it's july now. i think they wanted to do tax reform and health care by now. and maybe even infrastructure. i think the only rationale simply would be, all of these senators voted before to repeal obamacare, and they voted before when it didn't matter. let's put them on the record now. then mitch mcconnell can really wash his hands of it and say, we tried everything. we left everything on the table. but this is a quagmire. it is basically, you know -- >> they're all in charge, republicans. >> they can't let go of it. they can't get it done, but they can't let go of it.
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it's sunk cost. >> and we have a president who's saying, i'm not owning this. let obamacare fail. i'm not owning it and that's not possible when you have a republican president and republican congress. i think optically, there are a lot of americans, i've been to town halls, there are a lot of people genuinely concerned about their health care. there are dozens of county where insurers have pulled out, dozens of counties where americans can't buy obamacare health care. >> 38 counties. >> i would also make the point that one of my colleagues just tweeted, christina partysoeters that there were no women on the health care working group to begin with and the senators were criticized for this. we just saw a group of men come out and speak about the defeat, but it is three women who are ultimately sinking this effort to repeal a clean repeal. >> capito, collins, murkowski, you're right. >> and those are the women who are bringing this down. i think it's worth noting because from the very beginning,
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this group has been criticized for having no diversity, no women. >> we have chuck schumer. let's get the democratic response. we'll get him to the podium. >> i'm proud to be joined by senators klobuchar and heinrich. it's getting clearer and clearer that senate republicans won't be able to pass either their bill or a back-up plan of repeal without replacement. we democrats believe that the time has finally come for our republican colleagues to take us up on our offer of working together to improve the health care system rather than sabotage it. evidently, president trump is proposing a different path. he wants to throw up his hands rather than roll up his sleeves to work with us and solve the problem. but let's be very clear about what the president is proposing and where his path would lead.
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the president would not be, quote, letting obamacare collapse. he is actively, actively trying to undermine the health care system in this country using millions of americans as political pawns in a cynical game. by continuing to deny the insurance markets their certainty that they need to function, the president is playing a dangerous game with the health care of this country. so, our republican colleagues here in the senate have a choice to make. they can follow the president down a path that will lead to higher premiums, less care, and millions of americans losing coverage. they can join president trump in trying to sabotage the system and hurt millions of innocent americans to try and make a political point that has failed already. or they can start today working
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with democrats. we can work together to lower premiums. we can work together to stabilize the markets. we can work together to improve the quality of health care. this isn't a radical idea. a group of 11 republican and democratic governors called for exactly the kind of bipartisan cooperation that we are calling for. a bipartisan group of governors. we democrats have held the door to bipartisanship open to our republican colleagues for months. it's time for the republicans to walk through it. senator klobuchar. >> thank you very much, senator schumer, and thank you so much for the work you've done. this is our moment. we have been waiting for this moment for months and months. in fact, for years, because all we have ever heard since we started talking about changes we'd like to see to the affordable care act has been
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repeal, repeal, repeal. and now the last few months we are on, what, two versions of the house bill, two versions of the senate bill, and every single time it seems to get worse. we are now at a position where only 17% of the american people approved of the last republican version of the bill. so, the latest today we hear about is repeal again. and if they want to have a vote on that, fine, but i think we all know where this is going to end up. and this is going to end up where we should have begun, and that is working, democrats and republicans, on positive changes for the american people to the affordable care act. we have never said that it was a perfect bill. in fact, the day it passed, i said it was a beginning and not an end. and that is why i am a strong supporter of senator kaine's and senator carper's work. we were just on the floor asking
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our republican colleagues to join us. the republican legislature in minnesota worked with the democratic governor and made some fixes in our own state and we'd like to see us do that nationally. we have talked about sharing and i have a number of proposals -- >> we heard from senate motor leader chuck schumer and, you know, senator klobuchar as well, hearing her say, this is our moment. this is, you know, if you're looking at it from the prism of democrats, this is obviously a win, the fact that this is not looking good for republicans. but when we heard from republican leadership a second ago, saying, please stop spiking the football from the republican lens, that's precisely what the democrats are doing. i've got my panel sitting here with me but before we chat about what we just heard, i want to play something that you alluded to a second ago. hearing from the president of the united states earlier today saying, essentially, republicans are never going to own this. roll it. >> we've had a lot of victories, but we haven't had a victory on health care. we're disappointed. i am very disappointed, because
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again, even as a civilian, for seven years, i've been hearing about health care. and i've been hearing about repeal and replace, and obamacare is a total disaster. some states had over 200% increase, a 200% increase in their premiums, and their deductibles are through the roof. it's an absolutely disaster. and i think you'll also agree that i've been saying for a long time, let obamacare fail, and then even's going have to come together and fix it. and come up with a new plan and a plan that's really good for the people with much lower pree premiums, much lower cost and much better protection. i've been saying that, mike, i think you'll agree, for a long time. let obamacare fail. it will be a lot easier. and i think we're probably in that position. >> hang on a second because he's saying he's been saying let obamacare fail. let me play one more sound byte and we'll talk to you guys, just reminding everyone, on the
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campaign trail, on "60 minutes" talking about repeal and replace. >> we're going to do it smulgtsly. it will be just fine. we're not going to have like a two-day period or a two-year period where there's nothing. it will be repealed and replaced. because obamacare has to be replaced. and we will do it, and we will do it very, very quickly. my first day in office, i'm going to ask congress to put a bill on my desk getting rid of this disastrous law and replacing it with reforms that expand choice, freedom, affordability. >> so, jonathan, back over to you. you know, you remember him, covering him on the trail, to now saying today, we obamacare fail and then democrats come to us. huh? >> right. it was night after night, the declaration would be, on day one, we're going to repeal and replace obamacare. and now, six months into his term, we're here. his statement today about the
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republican -- i don't own this. it's a far cry from harry s. truman's, the buck stops here. this is someone who as a hard time, as a businessman, a candidate, a responsibilipresid hard time accepting responsibility for failure. he's trying now on the democrats, suggesting they're obstructionists even though they have no incentive. >> this is intraparty issues. >> right. this is a rebuke from his own party. it's his inability to corral republicans, particularly the most conservative remembpublica. >> i think the risk for the president is he looks like he just wants to sink obamacare. he doesn't sound like someone who wants to fix the system. he's not reassuring the public that yes, you will be covered. he's just really, i mean, i think it's also interesting after he just heard from schumer, how much the republicans, including the president, have lost the messaging battle here. they have been outmessaged. they cannot communicate with the american people about what their plan wants to do, aims to
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accomplish. all you hear about is how trumpcare kills people and that sticks. >> isn't part of the problem, matt, on how republicans just down the street from the white house really feel. they're not fearful of the president. there doesn't seem to be this sort of respect. we know the fact that when senators lee and moran came out last night and said, this isn't happening, the president was sitting at a din we aner and republican senators and it just shows what our guys think of trump. can you imagine them doing this to another president. >> what's the line? it's better to be feared than respected or feared than loved. they don't love, respect, or fear him at this point. he was never going to be a transformational leader. he was always going to be a transactional leader but now there's not even a transaction. he can't threaten republican senators. he's tried. they've tried to do that. it's actually counterproductive. i think part of the problem here
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is that when, first of all, tackling health care is always thankless. it's like a land invasion in asia. it never ends well for the people doing it. even the democrats who did it ended up losing everything. losing the house, losing the senate as a result of it, but they actually had something they believed in. it was something that they had been fighting for for generations. >> but don't you think senator mcconnell believes th mcconnell believes in this? >> i think republicans obviously would like to repeal and replace obamacare. it is not their purpose in life. this is not something that -- it's not a hill to die on for most of them, especially when you consider that the thing they were going to replace it with isn't -- it's not a perfect free market alternative. they're not going to sacrifice their reputations, their reelection and their legacy to pass obamacare lite. >> we leave it. we see what happens. we see if they hold a vote, maybe to put a button on it, as you say, even though it may go absolutely nowhere.
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matt and shelby and jonathan, thank you so much. appreciate the conversation. we are moments away from the white house holding its briefing amidst multiple fire storms, including the news that robert mueller has okayed donald trump jr. and paul manafort to publicly testify. ormance especi. only aleve has the strength to stop minor arthritis pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. this is my pain. but i am stronger. aleve. all day strong.
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their leadership is instinctive. they're experts in things you haven't heard of - researchers of technologies that one day, you will.
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some call them the best of the best. some call them veterans. we call them our team. o.j. simpson will get a chance to go free when he goes before a parole board on thursday and it will be televised. simpson has spent the last eight and a half years behind bars for his role in that robbery in the las vegas hotel room but of course he is best known, other than his sports legacy, for his, of course, acquittal in that
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1995 murders of his ex-wife nicole brown simpson and her friend, ron goldman. those changed by the simpson murder trial, though, are not happy that he is up for parole. ashley banfield is there in las vegas. we're going to see him on thursday. you talked to kato kalen who says his life was forever changed by, you know, all of that in the yours tru'90s. what did he tell you? >> reporter: listen, crime victims are a big part of the parole hearing, of course, on thursday, but there are other victims of crimes, and kato, you might say, is one of those because he was catapulted, just jettisoned into stardom 22 years ago when he had absolutely no plans for that and now 22 years later, he says he lives his life almost chainsstened by it. he lives by a timeline, thinking that grilling may come again, that cross-examination. here's how he put it when i asked him about it. >> if you had a chance to tell
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him something, if you had one thing that you could tell o.j. today, what would it be? >> well, if he's paroled, i would say, o.j., stay out of the news. go spend time with your family. don't -- don't do something stupid. that goes still with my opinion. i think o.j. simpson was guilty in the first crime, but this is a guy who loves to be adulated. just stay away from the camera. >> so, brooke, what's so interesting about that is if he does get parole, he's not going to get up for october 1, so don't think he's going to walk out on thursday but it's a big milestone if he gets that yes. here's what's super interesting. there is one person who will be his parole officer and that one person literally holds the keys to his life. anything o.j. wants to do has to go through that person and if that person says, you're not leaving nevada, i'm not
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transferring your parole to florida, i don't care what you want, that officer can do that. so, there could be some interesting developments after, if he gets paroled. >> yeah, we'll be watching it. we'll take it live thursday when it happens and we watch you each and every night on hln, 8:00 eastern on hln, ashleigh banfield, good to see you. all right, we continue on this tuesday. i'm broekd. i'm broekd. good to see you. -- captions by vitac -- three republican senators, shelley moore capito, susan collins, and lisa murkowski all saying now, no to this whole notion of repeal only. moments ago, though, we heard from senate majority leader mitch mcconnell, indicating he will still push for the vote
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anyway. >> there's -- it's pretty clear that there are not 50 republicans at the moment to vote for a replacement for obamacare. consequently, sometime in the near future, we'll have a vote on repealing obamacare, essentially the same vote that we had in 2015. i would remind everyone that in that proposal, there's a two-year delay. a two-year delay, which would give us the opportunity to work out a complete replacement on a bipartisan basis with our democratic friends. >> so, after we heard from republican leadership there, outside of that luncheon, we heard from the democrats, specifically the senate minority leader chuck schumer responding saying, quote, we democrats have held the door to bipartisanship open to our colleag